
Beyond the Bottle - Yummy, Alcohol-Free Remedies


$ 100.00

Beyond the Bottle: Alcohol-Free Remedy Making
with Maria Noël Groves, Clinical Herbalist & Author
Pre-recorded & At Your Own Pace

Join Maria on a whirlwind kitchen witch tour of DIY food-based and alcohol-free herbalism treats. She’ll share some basic tips on drying and powdering herbs with regular home equipment as well as tips for fresh vs dry herbs and formats as well as simmer vs infusion/maceration techniques. Learn how to turn powders into honey nut butter balls and other goodies, make a simmered still glycerite (inspired by Steven Horne and Thomas Easley), simmered and raw herbal honeys, electuaries, sweet tart oxymels, pesto, pureed herb ice cubes (lookin’ at you, nettle!) for soup and smoothies, simmered syrup concentrates, and herb-mushroom broths. And of course there are alcohol-free herbal beverages: tea infusion, decoction, cold infusion, infused water, seltzer, and soda. She'll demonstrate several of these remedy techniques and discuss and share recipes for the rest.

This 3-hour-long video class comes with detailed class notes with recipes plus bonus remedy making videos. 

You'll also receive a discount code that allows you to apply the cost of this class to register for Maria's Online Remedy Making Series (all pre-recorded and at-your-own pace).

You will receive an automated email within a few hours with access to the 3-hour Live Stream Video Replay Link, 14 pages of Notes, plus additional bonus videos. If you do not see that message, check your spam folder. If it's not there, email Maria directly at or call 603-340-5161. 


On-Your-Honor Scholarship Discounts Available
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  • Financial Need
  • Military
  • Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming
  • Folks with Physical or Other Disabilities
  • Folks Living with Challenging or Terminal Diseases
  • Herb Farmers (small/medium scale farms)
  • Nonprofit Educators
  • SERIES students (Home Herbalist, Beyond, or Advanced)

These recipes have been mostly cherry-picked from Maria's Home HerbalistBeyond the Home Herbalist, and Advanced Series course materials.

Maria Noël Groves, RH (AHG), clinical herbalist, runs Wintergreen Botanicals, nestled in the pine forests of New Hampshire. Her business is devoted to education and empowerment via classes, health consultations, and writing with the foundational belief that good health grows in nature. She is the author of the award-winning, best-selling Body into Balance: An Herbal Guide to Holistic Self Care and Grow Your Own Herbal Remedies. Learn more about Maria and herbs at

Recorded Live on Tuesday, June 22, 6-9 pm Eastern Time


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